One in five Australians, including adolescents and children, live with chronic pain (Blyth et al. 2001). We all know it’s very difficult for people to improve once patients are experiencing central sensitisation.

It’s essential to reduce people transitioning from acute to chronic pain and we all know the transition can be very quick.  At Fairfield Osteopathic Clinic, we don’t want to be part of the problem.

What we all hope to see in clinical practice.

Client presents with INJURY or PAIN 

We take an HISTORY and complete an ASSESSMENT

DIAGNOSIS Studies show doesn’t matter what the technique, prognosis improves if pain improves at this point (Contreras)


PROGNOSIS = 95% self limiting

For this to be a good experience, many things need to be done well, including having enough time for a good explanation.  Our initial consults are up to one hour and subsequent consults are between 30-45 minutes. 

During Assessment:

We use positive language

We provide Pain Education* 

DURING Diagnosis: 

We assume it's a self limiting problem

Provide context

Provide reassurance - warm, nurturing, kindness

We complete orthopaedic tests, rule out red flags, provide prognosis

We don't suggest X-rays & MRIs as a screening tool

Integrate biomechanics/pain science

DURING Treatment:

Remind people there is no miracle cure

Provide excellent advice - explain, educate, reassure, get them moving

Explain timelines for recovery

Set realistic expectations


Reduce fear

Provide pain relief

We don’t create reliance

We encourage people to pace back into activity.